It was time.
Like I said in my last post I've got a lot of work staring me in the face. It was time to get a good start and I have. I've spent nights digging through my photo archive (read as seriously huge arseload of pics) and searching photos online. I've also reached out to some fellow artists who've posted images of some of the cities I'm searching for. They have graciously given me permission to use their images should I need them. Old pics are one thing and someone else's pics are another. Sometimes you just need to get out and get them yourself to be satisfied. Of the cities I need to represent Chicago is the closest to me both geographically and personally. So... I had to go.
I've got loads of pics of Chicago. I try to get shots whenever I'm in town. It's a city that likes to be photographed. It really does. It'll even pose for you, but you've got to keep your eyes open. Last weekend turned out to be a grand opportunity to get out of town and go in search of iconic Chicago. I took a lot of shots. Many of which I was well aware would not go with my current assignment. Sometimes an image speaks to you. You just go with it... shut up and take the shot. I imagine I'll have need for those pics soon enough. I've got some ideas you see... Ideas I can't act on right at the moment because I've got a deadline. We're filing them away for later.
It was exactly the kind of weekend I needed to get me on track for this project. It got me on my feet and moving. I've been working on studies for some other cities, but I hadn't really felt "Started". That and some other news got my creative mojo workin'. I'm too tired to go on tonight and for once I think I'll give in and go lie down. Like a toddler who won't admit he's tired I'll fight sleep until I fall over. I'm not sure if it's virtue or vice just yet. Perhaps it's a bit of both.
I won't post everything here. Not all of these are on my list of possibilities... Some of them I just like. If you find me on Facebook you can see the rest.