Monday, April 18, 2011

Some Unexpected Guests

I've been very delinquent in my writing these days.  It seems like there's never enough time.  That would seem to be my sign that it's time for some reorganization: mental and otherwise.  Just another form of Spring cleaning I suppose.

Amidst all this mental flotsam and jetsam every now and then you get a gem.  A real treasure.  In this case I got two.  I don't typically spend a lot of time on faces.  I'm more interested in gesture and the figure itself as a general rule.  Sometimes though you just find yourself doing something for no apparent reason other than it seemed like the thing to do at the time.  In one case I had no intention of doing that drawing when I started working.  I just turned around looked at the paper sideways and started drawing.  I'd say it's a step away from my normal fare.  I didn't have any models or photo references so I'm looking to do it again.  I'd toyed with this idea a while back and even went as far as taking a few shots with a model (who bears no resemblance to this woman), but it was never right.  I hadn't really thought about it lately until Saturday afternoon while I was working on some cleaning in the studio and picking at some other sketches when I just started drawing.  When I stopped I had her...
I'm calling her The Smooth Talker.  She'll join the rest of the miscreants around the table having cocktails w/ the Crimson King and The Numbers Man.  I'm still not 100% sure what or who they all are so when they show up I try to be accommodating.
I'm really enjoying the illustrative style that's coming through with these charcoals.

Did I mention I love charcoals?

The next is a piece I was wanting to do, but wasn't considering getting started on it until later this month.  I was rather taken by a still frame from a video made of my friend, Brent Houzenga while he was working on a piece outside of the Hive Gallery in Los Angeles recently.  You can check the video here.  See if you can pinpoint the time of the still I was working from. Also if you would, please, take a second and zoom in on the photo.  The reduction of the image in this post takes a lot away from the eyes.

In both cases I was a little taken aback by my sudden urges to work on these piece and even more  so by the outcomes.  Even though I feel a little divergent at times I think there's a place where these styles of mine will come together... Make something new.  I think this is a good place to be right now.
