Thursday, September 18, 2008


For those of you that work in an office you know OOO means Out Of Office (or some permutation of that). I'm out today with a back issue. My office chair loves my back and my back loves the icepack currently pressed in between the two of them.

As it turns out I'm doing some work from home anyway. As long as I'm sitting here there are things I can still manage. So I blog. I'm not a journal keeper by nature, but putting this out here and saying the things I'm saying about my work is helping to make me feel accountable. If anyone's actually reading this then there's a witness. So if I say it I'd better do it. Sometimes easier said than done, eh?

Thought I'd put up the source photo for my current piece. Notice the large, 2001-looking monolith in the road. It was a screen put up for the festival. Didn't work with my vision for the piece so I've taken it out. Might still work in that dark area tho...

Thought I'd throw in a shot of my work table. Used to be a decent drafting table until I got hold of it. The palette is covered in layers of paint. I've had it about 2 years. Needs some scraping. I leave it on the table. It's too awkward to carry around anymore.

Have a happy.


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