Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Spirit?

Every year we're bombarded with stuff that's supposed to invoke the Christmas Spirit. Usually this irritates the hell out of me, but this year I can't say that I've really even noticed. Maybe it's because I don't watch a lot of TV. Maybe it's because of the current home situation I'm in. Christmas is a time for Family and mine's a bit of a mess right now. Not to mention, people... Jesus wasn't born in December. Pretty much any Bible scholar can tell you.
More than anything the rabid commercialization just gets me down. Kindof wears your faith in humanity a little thin.
On the other hand I've seen a lot of generosity going around in the face of tough times. If anything will restore my Christmas Spirit that's it. I've seen my own children express such giving that it lightens my heart. I can't wait to be with them when they come downstairs Christmas morning. The sheer excitement on their faces... their instant willingness to share their new discoveries with each other. Looking forward to that. It gives me some hope.
Maybe hope is the reason I'm working on a piece depicting two people walking down the street windowshopping together. It's not that I'm hoping to be like that right now. I'm not. I am putting it out there as an image of things working out. Of knowing that things don't stay the same. That situations, no matter how bad, can work out for the best one way or another. Maybe working on something like this gives me some solace. Maybe that's why I'm feeling so tentative about it. The painting's only 9"x12" and the little things can be delicate. They need special care and attention. Working small has made me feel like I'm tiptoeing. Taking little steps. Being more mindful. Perhaps that's what I need right now. A little stillness of heart.
I think that's what I want for Christmas this year.

Well, that and a new MP3 player.



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