Thursday, October 1, 2009

Go Get Your Sketch Books!

Just a quick note this morning to let you know a little more about the class I'll be teaching at the Des Moines Social Club.

Here's the summary:

Principals of Drawing 1
Facilitator: Robert Reeves
8 sessions, 2x/week: Wednesdays 5:30pm to 7:30pm -&- Saturdays 11am to 1pm,
October 7th – November 28th
Price: $5 per individual class or $30 per month
With a focus on the concepts of Line, Perspective, Gesture, Values, and Proportion,
this class will show students how to draw what they see vs. drawing their ideal of a
given subject. In-class drawing assignments will be limited to simple objects to
begin and moving to more complex objects and figure drawing as sessions continue.

What that means to you is that we'll be starting off very simply. I plan to work on the bare basics of drawing so if you've always wanted to learn... here's your chance. If you already do some drawing, but would like to expand your abilities or spend time improving your techniques this class would be a good fit. I think adults and kids would benefit equally and hope to see some younger attendees at the Saturday morning classes. In fact my kids may attend as well if the babysitter falls through. But be assured the class will be directed and informative AND hopefully a lot of fun.

You can sign up for the whole season or come down for individual classes. Your attendance level is up to you. Once we've made it through a season I may add a more advanced class, but let's see how it picks up before we get too far ahead of ourselves.

Here's the full calendar of classes and events the Social Club will be hosting this season. Some very interesting and unexpected options.

Plus it's right across from the new sculpture garden. Definitely worth visiting. The images in the article are from before the park was completed, but it has some good shots of a number of the featured scultpures (

To sign up contact me ( or the Des Moines Social Club.

Hope to see you there!



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