Friday, May 8, 2009

A Quick Update before the Day Catches up

I was sitting in the office at my day job thinking "it's too quiet". Then the phone rang and my day kicked into swing. I like staying busy. It gives me a sense of purpose.
That statement was made three hours ago. I'm just now getting back to my desk. On the other hand 1/2 of my workday is over and done. One conference call, some lunch, and a few panick-driven trouble tickets and I'm off to a weekend of hanging with my boys, watchin' some flicks, and painting.

I've got the Des Moines Art Festival project piece to complete by Monday and I've signed up to do a 2-hour painting for the Healthy Polk 2020 board. Jim Engler, Concetta Morales, Sara Boutros, John Baldwin, myself, and a handful of other artists TBA will be producing paintings on the fly at the Des Moines Downtown Public Library tomorrow from about 9-11:30. I'm not used to producing work so quickly (or so early) although an occasional piece might spring forth in a single session. Guess I'm going to learn to do it on cue tomorrow. It should be a fun way to spend a morning.

Here are the latest updates on the Art Festival project... I'm re-defining the faces of a couple of buildings. I've got a couple of others that I've largely neglected up 'til now so I've got to spend some more time on them. I'll let you figure out which ones.

The final image is coming soon! Stay Tuned.



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