Soooo I bailed on the studio last night. Feeling a little guilty about that. Seems that two nights without much sleep finally caught up to me. In true Rob form I didn't actually get any more sleep than usual. Well, maybe a little. Instead of being productive I sat and watched a so-so fight movie called, Never Back Down. Had some decent camera work and the fights were pretty well choreographed, but predictably it was a little light on plot, dialogue, etc. Worth the rental, but I wouldn't have gone to the theater to see it. So a little viewer's remorse, but it's not like I just sat through some Steven Segal POS.
Been thinking a lot about how to market my work lately. I use but haven't really capitalized the tools of the internet marketing trade: blogs(got one now), web sales sites(ETSY), personal websites(, online artist communities(,, etc etc). I have at some point used mailers, postcards, on-site visits, face-networking, and phonecalls. I have my fingers in all of them, but have yet to really push the envelope or to create a better fusion of old marketing techniques VS new. So here I am trying to find ways (and time) to get them to work together to get my work and my name "out there". If anyone's got a story to tell here or some good advice I'd love to hear it.
Perhaps it all comes down to making a plan. Never was much for that.
There's always an opportunity to change, I guess.
So since I have no new image updates to share I'll put this down in writing. Somehow putting it out here makes it... more real. Makes me more accountable.
I will make a plan to use the tools at my disposal (blog, website, sales sites, mailing lists, postcards, business cards, etc) to promote my work. I will make phonecalls and personal visits. I will produce new postcards, update my current mailing list, and get them OUT.
And I will not let my work slide in the process.
I'm looking to get away from the 7-4 workday and start doing what I was born to do.
Suggestions are always welcome so please drop me a line if you've got any.